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Citizen science, aiming to involve society in practical scientific research, has been a growing movement in Brazil since the 2000s. Citizen science helps to create a society that is better informed about science by encouraging citizen participation in the scientific process itself, recruiting volunteers to help researchers in observation, collection and/or processing of data.
Citizen science initiatives can bring the general public closer to science by increasing their level of knowledge and engagement in such collective challenges and responsibilities as the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.

Work with manatees

Caucaia / Icapuí

Rescue, caretaking and beach monitoring are part of the daily routine at the Aquasis Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Center (Centro de Reabilitação de Mamíferos Marinhos).

Planting native seedlings

Araripe Oasis Reserve / Crato

Learn how to produce seedlings at the Araripe Oasis Reserve native plant nursery and help to provide food and nesting resources for the Araripe Manakin.

Grey-breasted Parakeet Census

Baturite / Guaramiranga

Held annually, the counting of individual Grey-breasted Parakeets relies on the participation of volunteers of many kinds, including students, bird watchers, friends of the project, residents of the Baturité mountain range, etc. Our volunteers gather every year at the Baturité Mountains to perform the census during the day and participate in free roundtable discussions and lectures with Aquasis conservation specialists and invited guest experts.


Find the ideal activity to suit your volunteer efforts here!

NOTE: At the moment, only the Marine Mammals Program has a volunteer and internship program,
but we are very interested to know which of our projects that you would be willing to participate in.

Which project(s)
interest you?

Thanks for sending!

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